Discussion Based Smart Classroom Solutions to Create Interactive Teaching Model

Discussion Based Smart Classroom Solutions to Create Interactive Teaching Model

Discussion Based Smart Classroom Solutions to Create Interactive Teaching Model

Information technology is revolutionizing education and teaching, and the modern education model is changing from teacher-centered to student-centered. More and more schools begin to rise the student-centered teaching model of independent learning, which combines teacher teaching and student discussion to improve the quality of classroom teaching.

In this context, SUNVOL launched the discussion-based smart classroom solution, in-depth in the whole process of teaching in higher vocational colleges and universities, through multi-group multi-screen interaction, multi-device access, group recording and other innovative teaching modes, encourage students to participate in classroom activities, fully mobilize students' subjective initiative, transforms teachers from "teaching" to "guidance", and students from "passive reception" to "active learning", cultivate students' ability of analysis, evaluation and innovative thinking, improve students' ability to solve problems, independent learning ability and expression and communication ability.

A student-centered discussion based smart classroom solution
The state proposes to innovate the training mode of talents, advocating the teaching of heuristic, inquiry, discussion and participation, which puts forward new requirements for the traditional classroom. In addition, the new curriculum standards emphasize that cooperative learning is encouraged, mutual exchanges and common development between students are promoted, and teachers and students are promoted to learn from each other.

By relying on intelligent teaching terminals and software applications such as nano intelligent large screen blackboard and intelligent interactive teaching integrated machine, SUNVOL seminar smart Classroom builds a multi-screen intelligent hardware environment of "teacher + group + student", creates a teaching space suitable for interactive communication, group collaboration and inquiry learning, and provides comprehensive support for group discussion teaching activities. Teaching activities such as inquiry learning, screen presentation and screen preview among groups are realized, and "learning" is promoted to the main position of teaching through sufficient teaching and discussion.

The free combined table and chair design has replaced the fixed table and chair, and the interactive integrated machine with arbitrary comments has replaced the traditional blackboard and projection, improving the interactive sharing effect, liberating teachers from the teaching form of "chalk + blackboard +PPT", and realizing the discussion-based teaching mode of teacher-student interaction, multi-end interconnection and wisdom sharing through multi-screen collaboration and linkage.

Group discussion, brainstorming collision ideas spark
SUNVOL's discussion-based smart classroom solution builds a teaching space suitable for interactive communication, teamwork, independent exploration and innovative thinking, and changes the learning style from the process of classroom teaching. It creates a teaching environment of equal discussion between teachers and students, from "teaching" to "learning and teaching", and realizes the transformation from teachers' knowledge imparting to teachers' knowledge co-production.

SUNVOL seminar wisdom classroom can support 6 group teaching. In the process of group discussion, the status quo of passive learning and mechanical training in traditional classroom should be changed, and the leading right of learning should be returned to students. Students can brainstorm according to the topic of discussion, so that the spark of thinking can be fully collision, find problems in the exploration, and solve problems in the discussion.

Using the differences of team members can complement each other's strengths and realize the optimization of team cooperation. At the same time, through group discussion and group discussion, the model of intra-group cooperation and inter-group competition is created, so that students can both cooperate and compete in the learning process, improve learning efficiency in interaction, and cultivate students' cooperation ability, communication ability and innovative spirit.

SUNVOL seminar smart classroom solution creates a positive classroom learning environment, makes the communication and interaction between teachers and students more direct, realizes the intelligent interaction and real-time interaction of the whole teaching process, fully arouses the enthusiasm of students to participate in the classroom and lead the classroom, cultivates students' innovative ability, and cultivates more excellent compound talents in the new era.